Friday, 24 December 2010

God No God

My dear scientist, my antagonism was not directed at you, but your community as a whole (includes your grand fathers, great grandfathers - the so called spirits of science). This is my anger on all those who pose to be new age scientists, falsify the works of philosophers and represent the old wine in new bottle. If a philosopher comes up with the concept of ‘atman’, talk paramathma – jivathma, our beloved physics architect takes a cue from this, discovers atom and end of it arrogantly claims no more parama’atom’-jiva’atom’. Then establish literature to prove there is only atom and name it as their invention. They go on to define atom in such a way that common man is forced to accept it as a scientists’ creation. Worst of all they take these men away from philosophy that came to simplify things for humanity. People confused by science, ignorant of our philosophies end up in difficulty and pain
I did not have any problem with people questioning the existence of God on opting science. My intention was only to mock scientist for their science till date has come with nothing new to excite mankind. Everything around me today is only transformations of things that already existed – again the concept of old wine in new bottle.
Define God – for scientists it’s seriously a tough one. For a common man like me, with zero knowledge in science it’s all that easy. Just read few verse from the Vedas and Gita, I am able to understand God. I need not go any further.
Yes, every physics has philosophical base, you test, re-test, multi test and after several tests prove philosophers are comical nuts.
Finally, for the sake of doing it, do not hurt the not so knowledgeable. What’s wrong if a man polishes a rock with turmeric and places few flowers over it and believes that, it is that god who will give him the day’s bread? Why do you have to go about proving that …NO, that is a mere piece of lava that solidified? After all you do not have an answer too. In what way you are being better to the mankind? You make it sound like, 'when God is a tough metal even for highly knowledgeable scientists, how you illiterate folks gonna understand god?'
To conclude, am seriously not against an individual scientist, definitely not against you…you could well be one among those scientist who gets up every day seeking God’s blessing to provide you knowledge to understand him…am only saying in the name of science, do not make certain simple understanding a tough one for common man.


Unknown said...

nice blog badri... this brings another question to my isnt relevent to this post.. how important are the rituals (for any occation) in our culture??

Subha Devanathan said...

Good one badjal... very logical