Monday, 27 July 2009
The moment of Pain
Someone whom I consider loves me the most, did not even bother at this mercy sight while I expected the person to caringly caress it and say an ‘achocho’. That was horribly painful.
Monday, 20 July 2009
To bang a beefcake
Sunday morning 6:00 AM, refreshed my To-Do-List once and off to get ready. My mom was busy in the kitchen to finish her petty works. 8:00 AM, everything on track. I picked my car keys. Rolled the key rings with my little finger, the typical way the heroes do in the movies. Made a ‘qweek-qweek’ sound with my electronic locking system and announced my departure to the localities in the apartment. Stocked the luggage into dickey. The music system started screaming Michel Jacson’s ‘Beat It’. While my mom was away to market, I carefully reversed my car avoiding the bikes parked on both the sides. After successfully positioning the car for its take off, I thought of giving it a final touch as I was waiting for my mom. Picked my ray-ban from the dash board, blew the dust of the lenses and stylishly put it on. ‘You wanna be tough, better do what you can, lala… so…lala’. The car move ahead about 15feet. BANG.
8:07 AM, people all around me, voicing out their suggestions. One Aunty,’ this septic tank has to be removed from here’, another uncle ‘yes you are right madam, this has always been a nuisance’. The watch man ‘yesterday night itself I wanted to inform sir about this septic tank, I forgot’, two young guys giggling from behind. I bent down to see the fate of my car that just hit the Septic Tank that was built rising a feet above the ground level, which was not visible from inside the car. Tyres flattened, a dent in the chassis railing, the wheel rim twisted and in pity state my brand new car. If only Michale Jackson was alive, I would have killed him to have continued singing even after such an embarrassing situation. My mom was back with fury on her face, yelled, ‘I Knew this was to happen’. By then I had called the Hyundai Helpline, who are known to reach their struggling customers in no time. I assured my mom 15 minutes to set things right. In all probability we could reach Aminjikarai before 12:55 PM
1:30 PM, ‘nenjuukkul peidhidum vaa’, my mobile buzzed, I picked the call and heard, ‘Sir, very sorry, should I take a left or right from Duraiswamy subway?’
Centuries of fervent love

kangulum pagalum kaN thuyilaRiyaaL* kaNNanNeer kaikaLaal iRaikkum,*
shanngu chakkarangaLenRu kai kooppum* thaamaraik kaN enRE thaLarum,*
eNGNGanE tharikkENn unnaivittu ennum* irunNilam kai thuzaavirukkum,*
chengayal paaynNeerth thiruvaraNGkaththaay!* ivaLthiRaththu en cheykinRaayE?
Namalwar construes himself to be Devi (girl devoted to Lord), acclaimed herself as the lover and gave up her soul to him. She becomes fanatic in love and forgets her original state. The girl’s mother is anguished looking at her girl beset by love and pleads to the one who has held her in his possession.
Mother’s woe: “She doesn’t realize her sleep rather she forgot there’s a stuff called sleep. She cries ceaselessly night and day, until the floor becomes sodden; she claims to have seen your lotus like eyes and laughs. She prostrates on the floor claiming the sight of your stunning Shank and Mace. Soon she realizes it was only a hallucination and starts digging the floor to find you. She has lost her self-conscience. What have you done to my darling girl?
She gazes at the sky, she melts in your thoughts, she shouts and calls ‘end of evil’ and that her hero, you, have killed them all. She faces the direction of your temple and instantly tears flow from her eyes. She lies motionless, suddenly she wanders aimlessly and pays obeisance to you and she goes into trance, her eyes doesn’t flicker sometimes and she keeps staring at the wall, maybe she has found you there and faints as you are not there. She acts as dumb and keeps murmuring your name. Suddenly becomes intelligent and with grace in her eyes talks about you.
She is so fond of you and is so madly in love with you unlike other worldly people who are behind materialistic pursuits and not bothered to even look at you, the only thing that you can do to her now is to show mercy on her.”
Upayam – the objective is the only difference of Alwar’s love to that of the typical lovers today. If one feels his love will enable him to attain the objective collectively with his lover, go ahead and love the person Alwars way.
Picture From :
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Her eyes, if I describe in my tattered words, would not be reasonable. Half open and outlined in black. May be she was also a victim of Krishna Kama (immersed in love with God), the flow of the discourse suggested. Only my ears were lent to the discourse and my eyes and thoughts fixed at her. Like a spiritual cherub, she had a straight long teeka on her forehead, neatly divided hairstyle, her slender neck, pink lips and as an obedient kid sitting next to her grandma. My mind’s eye went beyond this. I imagined her to be the Krishna with peacock feathers on her head. Whenever she smiled she looked like the actress Sridevi of the movie Krishna Leela. Her eyes I imagined to be that of Meera, as depicted on the posters. I felt like splitting the crowd to reach her and sit next to her and enjoy the discourse, for this I thought I had to impress her grandma first. I also waited for her to look at me once and understand that I was ogling at her. An hour passed by, I could not do anything beyond being in awe. Everything there was still and so were my eyes and ears.
The discourse was over and the crowed disbursed. She also disappeared without leaving any trace behind.
Her eyes and smile constantly reminded me of her and I was feeling restless. I was also feeling the guilt of emancipating my senses to samanya Kama (unwarranted lust). I felt the very purpose of attending the discourse was to elevate ourselves, to control our senses that disturb us, but in vain. I felt ashamed of myself. I recalled, when we started for the discourse, I shared my thoughts with my friend about the greatness of the speaker. I had then told him how his discourses cease our senses to spirituality and doesn’t let it go beyond God. Now my mind started asking questions. What will my friend think of me if I talk to him about this girl? He would be thinking so shoddy of my self-control. He is so spiritual. All said and done my mind could not forget that beautiful sight. I made up my mind to tell him. In a very low voice I uttered, ‘did u see,mmmm…..there was a girl sitting there among the crowd’, he without more ado said ‘ya, the girl in green skirt and red half sari?’
And that’s the world for you folks
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Inspiration by the beach side

My Mess
My dear Mess